Trust is without borders

We all worry, we get anxious and fret at times, we try to find ways to workout out the hope we have in certain situations, like figuring out what's our next move in a chess game. Truthfully, why attempt to manipulate/workout the hope in situations that may not be in our control? Are we really trusting God's hand in our daily lives? In our situations? Are we letting him take the wheel and be the guide that he is and should be? Are we going to follow what he says? Are we going to let fear, worry, stress, and anxiety blind us from what his word/promises says? I understand we have to look at reality of things. We have to assess certain situations in our lives but the feelings (valid that they are ) should not dictate our next move, and or it should not dictate how our day is going to be. ..I know, its hard not to! This morning as I pondered what is ahead of my current situation in life, I was overwhelmed with worry, I have even pondered (in a logical manner) "how to work it all out" the chess game. ..As all this ran through my mind, I opened up a book that I'm reading and the subheading was titled as "God will lead you through peace" with a verse attached to it Philippians 4 :6-7 and it goes like this... Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. (He's definitely trying to lead me into peace)
Pray- talk to him, if you want to hear from God he will speak to you through the written (Logos) Word. He will enlighten Scriptures that will give you relevant living words (his Rhema) to show you what He wants you to know and do. .. Be open to him he is not this out of touch religious figure that so many view him as, he is a loving Father and desires to have a relationship with us all, to guide us and comfort us no matter what situation we find ourselves in. So, instead of worrying, I will cast my worries unto him, He will sustain and uphold me;
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. Psalm 55:22


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