
There is a war waging inside me.
There is a battle within me.
The creator, my maker, the author of love,
against the accuser, the ruler of darkness, the lawless one.
The one that has been defeated yet still wants to claim me, wants me beaten,
the one that has tried to tear me down to pieces.
The one that placed scars and pain so I can be drained.
Surely, he is the one that tries to make me focus on what’s unreal.
The master of disguise, the father of all lies,
the one that has no claim, yet has no shame to take my life,
has waged a war against me.

Bought by the blood, redeemed and set free.
Yes! That’s what he did, my Master, my God, did do that indeed.
He fights, He battles for me.
He notices my every need.
He loves and He cares for me….
He is everlasting, almighty, and divine.
How then, can I be so fooled, deceived, by this facade in which he, the master illusionist wants me to follow and abide?
God said He made me in His image,
I was formed, I was made with caring HANDS,
to resemble Him in his likeness, He said I was good, I was grand.
A reflection of his intellect and freedom, I was created to proclaim that I was made,
designed to be fearless.
But I believed a scheme. I was a public spectacle, his puppet that he displayed.
I believed a shame of my body, a self-hatred.
I listened to that enemy that shamed me and lead me to think that I was worthless.
He whispered so sweetly, “How can anyone need you or love you much less?
So my life for a moment became a corpse in distress.

God said, “Honey, let me carry your burdens. This is my fight.
I died on the cross for you, let me be your knight.
You are beauty, you are divine!
You were created for a purpose, you are important and you are mine!
My beloved, my daughter, I will never put you aside.
You are a rare jewel at the sight of my eyes.
You are unique, one of a kind. I placed gifts in you and you are my delight.
I take pride in you, you are my divine design.
Focus on me, my Word, it’s your bread to survive.”

“My child you are mine. Turn away from that self-hatred, the discouragements, those are all lies!
The enemy despises you, he wants you dead not alive.
He wants you defeated and not full of life,
He wants you depressed, frustrated and upset and he fights to keep you joyless for his content.
My sweet daughter, I love you, come to me. You are precious, rest in me.
I will give you what you need.
I will heal all your wounds.
I know you are tired of this buffoon.
You will rise like the eagle and a great warrior you are to be.
My dear, I gave you strength when you just felt weak.
So believe me when I tell you, in me you are whole. To me you are captivating and beautiful,
so no need to perform.
No more mourning, no more sadness.
For you----a crown of beauty instead of ashes.
I am your knight in shining armor to rescue you from all this madness.
I will place on you a garment, of praise so no need to feel condemned…
I died for you, so it is well so sing with joy my darling daughter, I will give you rest.”

“Lord! Papa…… I will set my eyes on you and I will turn away from that snake that tried to
defeat me, to devour me and put me in disgrace.

My foe, you are the one that has been defeated!
You are the one that is broken and beaten.
Remember your final destination.
It is where you belong in that lake of sulfur for your high treason.

I will rise up and stand on my Father’s word in faith.
I will walk with my head held high. I am my father’s daughter and I won’t be denied.
In his presence I find joy and peace, no more guilt, no condemnation, no need to hide.
I am accepted, forgiven and redeemed. That came with a high price.
I am a warrior to share the good news. Through him I will have my light and sight.
This fire now that burns for him to share my own struggles to save someone’s life.
What was meant to destroy me is now a work of art.
This war waged against me was won long ago by a man called “The One and
Only Son”, and on that cross he hung there and he said “It is done", for the sake of his love.

                                                                                                                                                Author: Magaly Lannum



Jeremiah 30:17

But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord!


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