Created in his image. We are beautiful!

When God made creation he said it was good (GEN 1:31) He made you in his image and likeness (Gen 1:27), so when you take a look at the mirror you are looking back at a beautiful creation made by his own image  and he said it IS GOOD... 


Countless times I have looked in the mirror and just disliked what I saw. I picked on areas that in my mind was "less than perfect". 
 I focused on societies standard of what is deemed beautiful and perfect and dismissed what God has said in his word, you were created in his image and he said it was good.

 I fought countless times with myself to achieve this ideal beauty. I sought out the worlds approval that comes with all kinds of conditions instead of Gods approval of his unconditional love and that we are created in his image. Think about it and let it sink for a moment, we are created like our creator, how awesome is that? No other living creature on earth is created that way. We are privileged.

 Like many obstacles in my life this one is a big hurdle I have to overcome, I'm in a process....

I know that when I see myself in the mirror, God the Father sees not me but sees Jesus the son through me. hmm, Imagine that.....
 I need to see myself how God sees me. So when I pick on myself I'm only really picking on the image of our creator.

The enemy is real, we cant ignore the elephant in the room, his purpose is to destroy so he will use any tactic to make us feel defeated in every way. He minimizes who we are in God. Especially when we begin to walk closer to God, when we want change, and when we seek God out. 
The bible says to be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). 

However, I must remind myself of this everyday, I believe that many women are conditioned to seek out this standard  the world sets out as beautiful and when we do not fit the criteria we can often feel not good enough. BUT we are GOOD ENOUGH, we are BEAUTIFUL because we were made by the hands of an awesome and wonderful God who wanted to make us in his image.

GB Working process,


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