On Guard!

I am gong to begin with this..If we are open to God and we are seeking answers just be still and listen, 
he answer.
 The other day I woke up not feeling so great, I just did not have no energy, my tummy was hurting, my body ached, so needless to say I was a couch potato. To entertain my kids I put on a learning show for them to watch (wild kratts if you wondered-its a show on learning about animals and their habitat), anyways, as I laid on my couch the two main characters started to talk about the African porcupine, for some odd reason it caught my attention. The porcupine seem to look pretty big  when his quills were up. So "it" hit me. No my kids did not throw a piece of toy at my head...God! He kind of did, he gave me this revelation....As the characters explained the porcupines defense mechanism and how the porcupine protected themselves from animals, i.e. lions, this 40 lbs-ish animal would stump their feet, stand their ground and do a backward shuffle..seriously!. The porcupine seemed like they attack their predator with their quills. So I sat up and thought, ya right! So I googled it. "Porcupines and lions". and  I found  a  You Tube video of 15 lions trying to get this porcupine, none, I mean NONE were able to take it out, I was simply amazed how braved this small animal was. Now, back to God hitting me....He revealed that that's how I (we) have to be like....the porcupine. Yes, I sarcastically said, "say what?". 
The enemy (the predator) comes to attack and tries to take you down but you have to be on guard and stand your ground like the porcupine.  God says, those quills is my word EMBEDDED in you. You attack your enemy back with those quills (my word). The enemy cant stand a chance, You see, those quills are sharp, like a double edge sword, it will cut the predator that tries to attack. I (we) need to understand that we have weapons to guard us from the enemy, just as the porcupine does. The porcupines predator is twice his size yet does not run away, he confront his fear. Your enemy may look twice your size but the word of God is a weapon, you confront the enemy with authority, let your praye be scary instead of praying with fear. The enemy may attack you by whispering that, "you are not good enough", "you'll amount to nothing", "you should be ashamed of yourself for what you did in the past". "Your not cut out for this", "your different, your weird", "people think your...this and that".."there's no God", "God is this crazy Christian "religion", "he's mad at you", the list is endless. You got to understand that this enemy is already defeated, he is done, he no longer has power unless given. Just like the lion predator had no power unless the porcupine let his quills down. Your enemy does not want you to know who you are, he doesn't want you to know your ability in Jesus Christ, he is afraid of who you are and who you are becoming for the kingdom of God. Seek and you'll shall find, God will not make it hard for you to find him. This simple kids cartoon spoke volumes to me! A kids show! Seriously! It doesn't take much, you just got to be open to him. So I encourage you to ask him, who is he in your life? Pray fiercely! ......he'll answer...
This revelation is beyond what I expected him to do, he answered in a multifaceted way into my life but this is not only for me but for many of you that just seem to doubt his goodness and realness, who he really is. Its for those that struggle with his word, his love, his acceptance. So I pray that you are moved with curiosity of his existence, I pray that confidence stirs up within you, I pray that his pull gets stronger in your life. I pray for a love encounter in your life and I pray that you will see your self how the true good father sees you. 
Thanks for taking the time to read this..


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