
Showing posts from November, 2015


As I reflected on my past experiences in my life and where I am now, I am forever grateful of God's strength, love and sovereignty . Even when I thought I was alone at the most darkest times of my life, even when I thought I didn't hear his voice while I cried out to him to save me, even when I thought he truly abandoned me. I now know that He was always there, He was  always speaking , He was rescuing and He was also teaching me. What the enemy planned out to destroy in my life at the same time God was using it as a teaching tool to get me through it and become stronger in the faith. Maybe just maybe when we go through that storm instead of screaming out to God to get us out of a situation maybe the question should be more like what is God teaching me in this situation..What are you going through that will strengthen your faith? even when the situation looks dim.